In "A Short History of Modern Philosophy," Roger Scruton embarks on a captivating journey through the evolution of philosophical thought from the 17th to the 20th century. With eloquence and...
In a world teeming with questions about existence, morality, and reality, philosophy emerges as the compass guiding our intellectual journeys. Philosophy encapsulates the pursuit of wisdom and understanding through critical...
Advanced Philosophy for CSS PMS FPSC PPSC by Dr. Khalid Almas is a comprehensive guide designed for students preparing for competitive exams like CSS, PMS, FPSC, and PPSC, with a...
"Hacking The Out Of Body Experience" by Robert Peterson delves into the fascinating realm of astral projection and out-of-body experiences (OBEs), providing readers with insightful guidance and practical techniques to...
Paradoxes of Time Travel by Ryan Wasserman explores the intricate and thought-provoking issues surrounding the concept of time travel, particularly the paradoxes that arise when one considers the implications of...
"Philosophical Analysis: An Introduction" by John Hospers is a comprehensive guide to the foundational techniques and concepts of philosophical analysis. This fourth edition offers an updated exploration of key philosophical...
"Philosophy: The Basics 5th Edition" by Nigel Warburton offers an engaging and comprehensive introduction to the fundamental questions and concepts of philosophy. This edition covers a wide range of philosophical...
Sophie’s World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder is an engaging and thought-provoking novel that introduces readers to the major ideas and figures in Western philosophy...
The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy, 9th Edition by Robert C. Solomon and Kathleen M. Higgins offers an accessible yet thought-provoking overview of fundamental philosophical questions that have...
The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, 2nd Edition edited by Nicholas Bunnin and Eric Tsui-James is a comprehensive and authoritative resource that explores a wide range of philosophical topics, movements, and...
The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy, edited by Jonathan Rée and J.O. Urmson, is an essential reference that distills the rich history of Western philosophical thought into an accessible and...
"The Handy Philosophy Answer Book by Naomi Zack" offers a user-friendly exploration of fundamental philosophical concepts and their practical applications. Through accessible Q&A format, it covers major philosophical themes, from...
"The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell delves into fundamental questions about knowledge, reality, and existence. Russell explores these issues with clarity and depth, inviting readers to contemplate the nature...
"The World's Great Philosophers" 1st Edition, edited by Robert L. Arrington, is an illuminating compilation that delves into the lives and ideas of some of the most influential thinkers in...